GNOME Evolution Expression Functions Cheat Sheet

GNOME Evolution Expression Functions Cheat Sheet

Time-Related Functions

  • time-now: Returns the current time.
  • make-time: Creates a new time value.
  • time-add-day: Adds a day to a given time.
  • time-day-begin: Finds the beginning of a day for a given time.
  • time-day-end: Finds the end of a day for a given time.

Component-Related Functions

  • uid?: Checks if a component matches a specific UID.
  • occur-in-time-range?: Checks if an event occurs within a specified time range.
  • due-in-time-range?: Checks if a task is due within a specified time range.
  • contains?: Checks if a component contains a certain text.
  • has-start?: Checks if a component has a start time.
  • has-end?: Checks if a component has an end time.
  • has-due?: Checks if a task has a due date.
  • has-duration?: Checks if an event has a specified duration.
  • has-alarms?: Checks if a component has alarms.
  • has-alarms-in-range?: Checks if a component has alarms within a specified time range.
  • has-recurrences?: Checks if an event is recurring.
  • has-categories?: Checks if a component is assigned to certain categories.
  • is-completed?: Checks if a task is completed.
  • completed-before?: Checks if a task was completed before a specified time.
  • has-attachments?: Checks if a component has attachments.
  • percent-complete?: Checks the completion percentage of a task.
  • occurrences-count?: Counts the occurrences of an event within a range.
  • starts-before?: Checks if an event starts before a specified time.


A filter that shows tasks that donโ€™t have a due date or a start date.

(or (not has-due?) (not has-start?))

Reference in the code can be found here.

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